Geared towards the medical profession – for practising physicians

ReMed is funded by the Swiss Medical Association FMH, but in operational terms, the support network is implemented outside FMH structures. ReMed's approach is based on the legal framework and on the SMA code of deontology.
ReMed's services are based on confidentiality and the individual responsibility of the physician. At all times, ReMed acts solely with the express consent of the physician seeking advice. From the first time contact is made, doctors seeking advice enjoy the same rights as other patients: patient confidentiality and data privacy regulations are at all times observed. ReMed is not a supervisory organ and has no authority either to conduct investigations or issue sanctions.
Even though ReMed is funded by the FMH, the professional organisation has no access to personal and support files at any time. ReMed is bound by professional medical confidentiality, and medical and administrative tasks are clearly separated.

An outline of the individual organisational units:
  • The Central Board of the SMA takes strategic decisions – for example, in relation to funding.
  • The programme management is responsible for planning the further development of ReMed structures and their implementation. It acts in a controlling capacity and represents the ReMed project vis-a-vis the Central Board of the SMA.
  • The back office supports the programme management and management committee, particularly with regard to ReMed’s organisation, administration and communications. 
  • The medical advisory boards and partners are regularly informed about ReMed and, wherever possible, provide professional expertise, financial assistance and support with communications to further the development of ReMed.
  • Initial counsellors who arrange the first contact and represent ReMed externally.
  • Network members are doctors and other professional counsellors who are active within the ReMed network and familiar with the programme contents and the principles of ReMed. They are not in any contractual relationship with ReMed. Network members can take advantage of peer counselling and are regularly informed about the activities of ReMed.
  • Additional experts (for example, lawyers, accountants etc.) take over after the initial counselling. They are not in any contractual relationship with ReMed.




Articles about ReMed

  • Dr. med. Peter Christen, Specialist in General Medicine FMH
  • Esther Kraft, lic.rer. oec., Head of Department Data, Demography and Quality (DDQ) FMH
Steering Committee
  • Dr. med. Peter Christen, Specialist in General Medicine FMH
  • Dr. med. Yvette Attinger, Specialist in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy FMH
  • Dr. med. Peter Birchler, Specialist in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy FMH
  • Dr. med. Franco Gusberti, Specialist in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy FMH
  • Dr. med. Carole Weil-Franck, Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics FMH
  • Dr. med. Sabine Werner, Specialist in Dermatology and und Venereology FMH


The first step

Do you need help, or do you know a col­league who needs help?
​​​​​​​​​​​​24-hour hotline
0800 0 73633
0800 0 ReMed


In case of emergency, please call the emergency number 144 or the help line “Heart2Heart” 0800 143 000.

​​​​​​​For media inquiries:


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