Medical obligations and rights of notification
The legal obligations and rights of notification in respect of all patients are also valid in respect of doctors seeking advice from ReMed.
If there is an obligation to notify, the attending doctor has no choice – by law he must notify.A summary of the obligations to notify is provided in the SAMS/FMH guidelines "Rechtliche Grundlagen im medizinischen Alltag" (Basel-Bern 2013; available in
German and French).
If a right to notify is considered applicable, the work in ReMed is based on the principles of medical quality. Moreover, ReMed participants are not permitted to make decisions alone with the colleague seeking advice, but must seek internal advice from ReMed on the situation in question. If, after an internal evaluation, a right to notify is deemed appropriate, the matter must be referred to the Ethics Commission before further steps are taken or declined.
The first step
Do you need help, or do you know a colleague who needs help?
24-hour hotline
0800 0 73633
0800 0 ReMed
In case of emergency, please call the emergency number 144 or the help line “Heart2Heart” 0800 143 000.
For media inquiries:
© 2019 FMH Swiss Medical Association Postfach 3000 Bern 16 Phone + 41 31 359 12 00